Thursday, April 23, 2009
Michael Crichton Writes from the Beyond
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Kindle for the Blind?
This isn't a mystery: I will never, ever own a Kindle. I view the Kindle as one of the clearest signs of the impending apocalypse. But I have read in a few places (including the Publisher’s Weekly newsletter from April 7th) about the debate regarding the Kindle’s text-to-speech function—and I take a perverse pleasure in seeing Amazon’s devil tool in a bit of controversy. At issue is the Kindle’s innate ability to read the text displayed on the screen. Why is this a big deal? Because if people can hear the books read to them on the Kindle, the thinking goes, then people won’t buy audiobooks. Fewer people buying audiobooks means fewer dollars in the bank. The Authors Guild is the group not happy about the audio function, and justifiably, the National Federation of the Blind are on the side of the text-to-speak ability. Personally, I see both sides of the argument, but I tend to side with the consumer in matters such as these. But as long as the Kindle is in the middle of any sort of mess, I’m happy.
Thursday, April 02, 2009
The People Want April Fool's Products for Real

The first is a tauntaun sleeping bag that actually looks freakin cool. Notice the intestines lining. Nice.
The second idea is the TXT'N'WALK mobile application, which allows you to see a PiP window of what's in front of you while you're texting and walking. Pure genius.